Charlotte Croft was a fully functioning 26-year-old English Lecturer from Suffolk who loved reading, working and being busy, but her life changed overnight when she was diagnosed with Functional Neurological Disorder (FND), resulting in her having limited mobility and being mostly housebound.
Disability And Employment: “I Am Someone Who Wants To Work, Living In A World That Only Cares About Healthy People”
Paisley Smith, who had ambitions to become a police officer, shares her experience of having her dreams crushed due to a debilitating health condition and the barriers of disability and employment.
Being Diagnosed With Autism As An Adult
David Wright, who was diagnosed with autism as an adult, shares his personal story of growing up feeling different and how a local disability charity supported him through his diagnosis and his journey to independence.
Deep Vein Thrombosis: “I Could’ve Suffered Serious Illness Or Even Death”
To mark Deep Vein Thrombosis Awareness Month, Emma shares her experience of suffering a blood clot back in 2016.
“What It Takes To Be Me!”: A Journey Of Independence And Resilience With Spina Bifida
Disability blogger and advocate Daniella Jade Lowe, who lives with spina bifida and hydrocephalus, shares her determination and resilience to be independent.
How Aphasia Affects Speech And Communication
Wolfgang Wolf, a disabled blogger and counsellor living in New Zealand, shares his experience of living with the neurological conditions aphasia and apraxia that affect speech and communication.
GP Appointment Crisis: A Chronically Ill Person’s Perspective
Trying to get a GP appointment can be very difficult, and, in many cases, impossible. Zec Richardson, who lives with ME, shares his personal experience of trying to get to see a doctor and how it affects his health and wellbeing.
Riding Against The Odds: My Journey As A Para Dressage Rider With EDS
In the world of para-dressage, where resilience and determination reign supreme, one athlete’s journey stands out as a testament to the indomitable spirit of those who overcome adversity. This is the story of how Victoria Hoban, found her way into the world of para-dressage, battled Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS), and encountered a surprising hurdle on the path to her Paralympic dreams.
A China Cup: Describing The Mindset Of Someone With PTSD
To mark Mental Health Awareness Week, we share a powerful and creative monologue written by Kevin Shore who served in the Royal Navy and suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following his time in the military.