Riding Against The Odds: My Journey As A Para Dressage Rider With EDS

In the world of para-dressage, where resilience and determination reign supreme, one athlete’s journey stands out as a testament to the indomitable spirit of those who overcome adversity. This is the story of how Victoria Hoban, found her way into the world of para-dressage, battled Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS), and encountered a surprising hurdle on the path to her Paralympic dreams.

Are Sports Broadcasters Ableist Towards Disability Sports?

When people think of disability sports, most of them immediately think of the Paralympic Games. However, disability sport happens throughout the year, every year. But it isn’t noticed as much because it’s not widely broadcast. This has sparked the question – are sports broadcasters ableist? Our writer Emma Purcell analyses the current level of disability sports coverage and shares her thoughts on it.

Para Legacy: A Documentary Looking At The History Of The Paralympic Games | Peter Langton

Student journalist Peter Langton shares his documentary “Para Legacy”, which looks at the history of the Paralympic games.

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