Tiffany Yu: Redefining Disability And Championing Inclusion

We speak to Tiffany Yu, a disability advocate, entrepreneur, and speaker dedicated to reshaping narratives around disability and inclusion.

From Banquet Halls To Beauty: My Journey Of Resilience And Innovation To Become A Serial Entrepreneur With Cerebral Palsy

Atul Bhatara’s journey is a powerful story of resilience, innovation, and self-belief. Born with cerebral palsy, Atul has defied the odds to become a successful serial entrepreneur.

Business Of The Week – Emma Purcell At Crip Life™ | Guest Post On DisabledPreneurs

Crip Life™ is pleased to announce it has been selected as DisabledPreneurs’ Business of the Week. As part of the feature, our co-founder editor Emma Purcell was interviewed discussing her role, her passion for writing and journalism and the triumphs and challenges of running this online disability magazine.

DisabledPreneurs: Empowering Disabled Entrepreneurs To Succeed And Thrive In Business

DisabledPreneurs is a free, non-profit business directory aimed at empowering and supporting disabled founders and business owners. Here, we share why a disabled business directory is needed, how the platform was formed, and how it can benefit your business.

lABLEd Podcast Returns: A Bold New Season Exploring Disability, Identity And Advocacy

After a seven-month hiatus, the lABLEd Podcast is back with a much-anticipated fresh season filled with engaging conversations, thought-provoking topics and inspiring guests. Known for its unique blend of humour, insight and advocacy, lABLEd continues to be a leading voice in disability, illness and difference.

Reclaiming The Word Crip: Disability Organisations Using Crip With Pride

To celebrate our first year at Crip Life™, we honour several other disability organisations that are using the word crip with pride and showing crip has positive sass and attitude.

The Lilac Review: Tackling Inequality Faced By Disabled-Led Businesses

On 1st February 2024, Joanna Baker-Rogers, a business owner and co-founder of Crip Life™, attended the launch of The Lilac Review, a government-backed independent review, aiming to tackle the inequality faced by disabled-led businesses and level-up entrepreneurial opportunity across the UK. 

Holiday Feasting: Top Eating And Drinking Aids For Christmas Celebrations

Discover top eating and drinking aids for an inclusive and joyful Christmas celebration available at the Disability Health Shop.

Chicable: A Stylish And Sophisticated Adaptive Clothing Brand Aiming To Solve Your Dressing Problems

Chicable is a new adaptive clothing brand that has designed clothing with accessible and easy-to-use fastenings. Its founder Gary Duong explains how he started Chicable and the kind of products he has created.