The National Unpaid Carers Union And Forum: A Lifeline For Unpaid Carers Across The UK

The National Unpaid Carers Union and Forum (NUCUF) is a groundbreaking initiative aimed at providing a strong, collective voice for unpaid carers across the UK.

Business Of The Week – Emma Purcell At Crip Life™ | Guest Post On DisabledPreneurs

Crip Life™ is pleased to announce it has been selected as DisabledPreneurs’ Business of the Week. As part of the feature, our co-founder editor Emma Purcell was interviewed discussing her role, her passion for writing and journalism and the triumphs and challenges of running this online disability magazine.

DisabledPreneurs: Empowering Disabled Entrepreneurs To Succeed And Thrive In Business

DisabledPreneurs is a free, non-profit business directory aimed at empowering and supporting disabled founders and business owners. Here, we share why a disabled business directory is needed, how the platform was formed, and how it can benefit your business.

Escapism On Stage: A Disabled Women’s Journey Through The World Of Inclusive Theatre

In this guest post on the National Youth Theatre website, Emma shares her experiences as a wheelchair user and a visually impaired person, attending a variety of amateur dramatic theatre groups over 20 years and how it has benefited her mental health, well-being and social life.

Time To Talk Day: The Challenges And Benefits Of Having Care Support From Parents As A Disabled Adult | Guest Post On Spokz People

With today being Time to Talk Day, Emma – who is a loyal member of the Spokz People community – shares her personal experience of continuing to rely on her parent’s support and how it impacts her both positively and negatively.

Disabled People Also Need To Talk About Mental Health

Today on Time to Talk Day, Spokz People – an organisation that provides online mental health support for disabled people and their families – wants to encourage the disabled community to talk more about mental health and wellbeing. 

Holiday Feasting: Top Eating And Drinking Aids For Christmas Celebrations

Discover top eating and drinking aids for an inclusive and joyful Christmas celebration available at the Disability Health Shop.

How Will AI Help Disabled People? | Guest Post On Disability Horizons Shop

In this guest post on Disability Horizons Shop, Emma Purcell gives an AI overview, discusses some of the concerns people have about AI and looks at the many ways artificial intelligence can benefit disabled people.