Here, we’ve put together a list of free and premium disability dating sites out there. So whether you’re looking for love, friendship or something in between, here’s the lowdown on the top disability dating sites online today.
Share Your Experiences Of Accessing Motorsport Venues
Motorsport UK is working with Nimbus Disability to understand the experiences of disabled people at motorsport venues by launching a survey and series of focus groups.
Time To Talk Day: The Challenges And Benefits Of Having Care Support From Parents As A Disabled Adult | Guest Post On Spokz People
With today being Time to Talk Day, Emma – who is a loyal member of the Spokz People community – shares her personal experience of continuing to rely on her parent’s support and how it impacts her both positively and negatively.
Disabled People Also Need To Talk About Mental Health
Today on Time to Talk Day, Spokz People – an organisation that provides online mental health support for disabled people and their families – wants to encourage the disabled community to talk more about mental health and wellbeing.
Access Card Showcased In National Tourism Accessibility Toolkit
The Access Card, which has been developed and is operated by Derby-based social enterprise, Nimbus Disability, has been heralded as good practice by VisitEngland in the organisation’s new accessibility toolkit for tourism businesses.
Quite Great Charity PR: Marketing Agency Developing Awareness For Charities Across The Media
Quite Great Charity PR has worked with national and international charities and organisations covering a broad spectrum of significant and passionate issues, creating some of the best and most successful charity PR campaigns.
10 Top Tips To Improve Accessibility At Your Christmas Party For Neurodivergent Children
Ella Rides from Captain Fantastic – the UK’s number one children’s entertainment company – shares her top ten tips to make your party accessible for neurodivergent children.
Book Review: Everyday Citizenship By Wendy Perez
This is a book review of Everyday Citizenship, which is part story, part guide, written by and for people with learning disabilities who want to be the authors of their own choices in a world that denies them their autonomy.
Theme Park Super Fan Launches Access Card Ambassador Team
Eighteen-year-old Iona Wilkinson, a self-confessed theme park superfan, has become the first disabled person to be officially recognised as an ambassador for the Access Card scheme.
10 Disabled Climate Activists Around The World
Climate change is one of the greatest challenges to society globally, with an even bigger impact on the disability community., Here we list 10 disabled climate activists from around the world who are doing incredible things to help save the planet.