Disabled Advocates Recognised At The 2024 Youth Music Awards

The Youth Music Awards 2024 held particular significance for the Disabled community, recognising the contributions of advocates who are pushing for greater accessibility and equal opportunities in the industry.

Looking Back At 15 Talented Disabled People Recognised As BAFTA Breakthrough Artists

Ahead of the announcement of the 2024 BAFTA Breakthrough artists next month, we look back on 15 talented disabled artists who have been recognised for their incredible and outstanding work in TV and film over the past 11 years.

The Stimming Pool: Neurodiverse Artists Redefining Filmmaking

We speak to filmmakers of The Stimming Pool, a feature-length documentary where we see five neurodiverse artists create a singular visual project that offers a fascinating glimpse into their singular perspective on the human experience.

Autistic Filmmakers Changing Perceptions Of Casting Neurodivergent People In Hollywood

We speak to autistic filmmakers Sue Ann Pien and Bella Zoe Martinez about the award winning short film Once More, Like Rain Man.

Magic Mike Live: Access Card Provider Puts The Magic Into Accessibility

London’s Hippodrome Casino – one of Nimbus Disability and the Access Card’s longest-standing partner providers of accessible ticketing – has announced a series of accessible performances for its forthcoming performances of Magic Mike Live.

Afro Nation: International Festival Goes Above And Beyond On Accessibility

Derby-based social enterprise, Nimbus Disability, has successfully completed its first international festival collaboration – ensuring full accessibility for disabled Afrobeats music fans at Afro Nation.

Escapism On Stage: A Disabled Women’s Journey Through The World Of Inclusive Theatre

In this guest post on the National Youth Theatre website, Emma shares her experiences as a wheelchair user and a visually impaired person, attending a variety of amateur dramatic theatre groups over 20 years and how it has benefited her mental health, well-being and social life.

Debris Stevenson: Dyslexic Writer Of New Theatre Production Celebrating Neurodiversity

We speak to neurodivergent writer and performer Debris Stevenson about her new theatre show My Brother’s a Genius.

Disney’s Shardlake: Arthur Hughes Portrays Disability Differently In 16th-Century Britain

We speak to British actor Arthur Hughes about his lead role in Disney’s new original series “Shardlake”, a drama about a hunchback lawyer in Tudor times.