Nimbus Disability Director Mark Briggs Gains National Recognition In The Disability Power 100 List 2023

Mark Briggs, a director of Derby-based social enterprise Nimbus Disability, has been named as one of the 100 most influential disabled people in the UK.

The TV Access Project Announces Milestone Achievements And Crucial Future Workstreams

One year on from its launch at the Edinburgh TV Festival 2022, The TV Access Project (TAP) is celebrating the progress made to date by the alliance, marking this year’s Festival with key initiatives and events, and crucially laying out the work still to be done to reach its target of creating full inclusion for Deaf, Disabled and Neurodivergent talent by 2030.

Rosie Jones’ Ableism Documentary: Why I Advised Channel 4 To Go With That Title

Following the backlash on the decision to name Rosie Jones’ ableism documentary Am I a R*tard?, Channel 4’s Disability Consultant Ally Castle has spoken out to explain why she advised Rosie to choose the title she has for the Channel 4 documentary. Here, Ally discusses why she feels this is the right title and the considerations around using it.

Rosie Jones Gives A Personal And Honest Account Of The True Scale Of Ableism In A New Documentary

Disabled comedian Rosie Jones gives a personal and honest account of the true scale of ableism in a new Channel 4 documentary.

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