Last Updated on 27/03/2024 by Emma Purcell

Support Crip Life this Christmas

Christmas is a time for giving and receiving and supporting those in need. Here at Crip Life™, we want to continue to give you the best quality content, interesting stories, valuable advice and professional service.

But to achieve this, we need your help. This can be by giving us a financial contribution, providing feedback on our work, subscribing to our free newsletter and/or following us on social media.

Running an online magazine costs money with administrative costs such as hosting platforms, video conference platforms, SEO tools, accessibility tools, social media advertising fees, and much more. Plus we’d like to grow our business by taking on more paid employees and freelancers and eventually get a decent income of our own. We’ve been searching and applying for funding schemes and grants but so far we have been unsuccessful!

We understand many people, particularly in the disability community, are financially struggling, which is why we are keeping our content and newsletters completely FREE.

But for us to keep creating our high level of content and grow our business, we have our unique advertising service and a platform that allows people to donate.

If you cannot afford to support us financially, subscribing to our free newsletter, following us on social media and engaging and sharing our content will help us grow traffic and sponsorship for the future.

5 ways you can support Crip Life™ this Christmas

1. Advertising with our PWYC service

Advertise with us this Christmas - Image in middle with text says it's the most wonderful time of the year

We’re still looking for anyone with an accessible and/or inclusive product or service they’d like to promote this Christmas!

With Christmas fast approaching, we are opening our PWYC advertising services to any individuals or organisations who would like to promote their accessible products or niche gifts. Whether you’re the inventor of an adaptive gadget or a disabled artist creating inclusive Christmas cards, stationary or other crafty stocking fillers, please contact us.

Or if you’re hosting a festive event, such as pantos, Winter Wonderland attractions, Christmas markets or Santa’s grotto visits, which will have accessibility facilities for disabled guests, we’d love to hear from you too.

The Crip Life™ advertising strategy is “Pay What You Can (PWYC).” We know this is very different to most if not all, online magazines. PWYC is a business model that doesn’t insist upon set prices for its goods or services. Instead, it asks clients to pay what they feel the product or service is worth. We have taken this one step further by adding what you can afford to pay.

Thank you to all the businesses and organisations that have come on board with us so far this year. We appreciate your support and hope you will collaborate with us again in 2024.

We want to place adverts for a wide range of clients. So, whatever your size of organisation, if you want to share a personal story with our readers or promote a product or service, get in touch on our Work With Us page.

For more information on our advertising strategy, read our Crip Life™ Media Pack 2023. (If you prefer, we also have a Plain Text version)

2. Donate and support disability charities

Donate at Crip Life™ and support our inclusive venture

To grow our fab business, we need your help. If you can, please donate to our site and a proportion of your donation will go to TWO worthy disability charities of our choice.

With the end of the year approaching, our co-founders Joanna Baker-Rogers and Emma Purcell have chosen a disability charity each to donate to this year:


Joanna has chosen to donate to Skiggle – a unique charity that provides help and support to disabled people, their families and carers across the UK with its SOS emergency alert service and marketplace.

Joanna said: “Skiggle are a unique charity that is making travel in the UK possible for all families with children with special educational needs (SEND). Just as it should be. Busy Life™ has supported them in the past and we are delighted to continue to do so here at Crip Life™.”

Spokz People

Emma has chosen to donate to Spokz People Wellbeing Community and Programme – a mental health platform for disabled people and those with health conditions and their families.

Emma has been a member of Spokz People for over two years and has benefited a lot from its resources and support.

Emma said: “I’ve been a member of the Spokz People community since it launched in November 2021. When I first found out about the wellbeing programme, I immediately knew I wanted to join. The fact that it is specifically designed for disabled people, can be fully accessed online and can be worked through at your own pace, means it is the perfect tool for me to manage my mental health.

“I particularly enjoy our weekly group sessions on Zoom, where we can share each other’s stories and advise each other on different issues. Plus, it feels very sociable and we have great laughs together.”

Thank you to those of you who have already donated, it is very much appreciated! If you can give a donation, big or small, please donate by Sunday 31st December 2023 and a proportion of every donation will go to Skiggle and Spokz People. Donate Here >>>

3. Give us your feedback

Silhouette of a woman's head and shoulders with a yellow question mark covering her face.


We would love to know what you think of Crip Life™ so far:

  • Are you enjoying the content we’re producing?
  • Do you have certain topics in mind you’d like us to feature?
  • Do you have any thoughts on our site/newsletter style and layout?
  • Would you like us to send you new article notifications via email every time we publish new content?
  • Do you think our site is fully accessible for you and meets your needs?
  • Any other feedback?

Feel free to get in touch with us or message us on social media with your thoughts, suggestions and feedback. Your responses will help us improve and grow our online disability magazine.

4. Subscribe to our FREE newsletter

Subscribe to the Crip Life™ free monthly newsletter

Join over 185 other Crip Life™ newsletter subscribers to keep up to date with our latest news and catch up with articles you may have missed!

Our FREE monthly newsletter is packed full of exclusive content and information on ways you can get involved in our inclusive venture.

These newsletters will be sent to you at the end of each month and will include a roundup of the articles we’ve published, and information on our opportunities for you to publish your disability-related research projects and/or advertise with us. Plus, in some editions, we may include exclusive news, announcements and offers to newsletter subscribers ONLY.

To subscribe to our newsletter, follow these simple steps:

  1. Enter your email address and press “SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR FREE” in the below form
  2. You are subscribed! – You should receive a welcome email shortly after subscribing. (This email may appear in your spam/junk folder, so be sure to check there if it doesn’t appear in your main inbox)
  3. You’ll get a new newsletter at the end of each month and maybe some extra exclusive subscriber content.

Also, if you subscribe from 9th December 2023 to 9th January 2024, you will be entered into a book giveaway!

If you are already a subscriber to our newsletter, thank you! You can continue your support by encouraging your family, friends, and colleagues to subscribe too.

5. Follow us on social media

Social media icons

As well as all our exclusive content on the Crip Life website, we also share the latest disability news, announcements, participation requests and interesting facts from the world of entertainment, sport, politics, technology, wellbeing and much more.

Come on over and like, follow, engage, react, comment and share on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.

Thank you for your support

A child in a wheelchair, smiling up at the Christmas tree

Thank you everyone for all your support over our first seven months in business. We hope you’re all enjoying the work we do, the services we provide and the content we create. Please continue to support us by helping us with funding, giving us your feedback and engaging with us by subscribing to our newsletter, and following us on social media.

We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Let’s continue dismantling disabling barriers one article at a time!



Get monthly roundups of our exclusive content and check out ways to get involved and engage with our community at Crip LifeTM.


Due to unforeseen circumstances, we've lost all our current newsletter subscribers. We hope to find a way to restore this as soon as possible but in the meantime, please re-subscribe here to receive our May & June editions of the Crip Life™ newsletter. We would also love to welcome new subscribers too, so please join our inclusive venture by signing up now.